Monday, March 15, 2010


I am tired of the mountains--the bitter winds, the Yeti threat, Nepalese diplomats rubbing my shoulders. Creepy. Considering my choices for a fresh, new adventure, I stumbled upon a very interesting tour package:

War with the Evil Power Master, you say? Ho molte demande, signore. What sort of job description is "Power Master"? Master of what powers? And are you describing the master himself as "evil" or simply the power he wields? Oh, the horrors of an uninflected language.

The picture on the cover, however, may elucidate the nature of the master's power and evil: from the picture we can clearly see that the power master is one of those assholes who walks around with a Bluetooth headset and shouts (always shouts, always with the shouting), but this headset not only annoys but also fires laser beams. I guess that's not really so scary, as far as evil power masters go. I shall ready my withering derision.

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