Monday, March 8, 2010

The Lost Jewels of Nabooti

Back from a weekend in Georgia, I'm ready to get back to the next choices in the Thief story, and I've begun reading the stack of R.A. Montgomery books that I requested last week from the library. The first one that I've been picking my way through is The Lost Jewels of Nabooti. In this story you attempt to recover a cursed set of jewels. You may ask, Why recover cursed jewels? Well, the jewels provide power to a chosen few but doom to all others. So there. Explained.

The book is a globe-trotting adventure, from Paris to China to Morocco. So far I haven't progressed very far into the adventure of looking for the jewels, as I've been picking my way through all the chickenshit choices: Board plane for Paris or Go home and forget about cursed jewels and adventures that your twat cousins want you to go on for them. That's right, cos, not my problem.

I like that Montgomery offers these ways out at the beginning, because sitting out isn't an option in adventure fiction. I just played through Fable 2 again last week (love the gameplay but loathe the story) and hoped that I would simply be allowed to tell Theresa: You've given me no reason to trust you. You are a five-hundred-year-old seeress who tells me that I am the Great Hero, but you sure try hard to formulate plans that will put me through the greatest amount of hell possible. No, you don't get the Spire--I did all the work, I get to make the wish. My wish? That your brother killing you with the Sword of Aeons was the canon ending of Fable.

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